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8 Top Tips to Help You Save Money at Home This Summer

It's summer again! And with it comes partying, hiking, concerts, and soaring energy bills. The sweltering heat can also cause heat-related illnesses, such as respiratory disorders.

Here are tips to protect yourself and make your home more comfortable while saving money this summer.

1. Hand-dry your laundry

You could use the dryer to dry your laundry in minutes. But that will cost you money. Instead, you can dry clothes in the backyard or balcony for a fresh-smelling, wrinkle-free result.

2. Replace air filters

Over time, air conditioners and vents will accumulate dust and dirt.

If not cleaned, the dirty air filter places more stress on the fan motor, causing it to work harder and consume more energy than it should.

Replacing air filters is a cost-effective way to save money this summer.

3. Seal window and door gaps

Hot summer air could be finding its way through the window and door gaps, and cold air could be escaping, making your air conditioner work harder to cool your home.

So check your windows and doors for such gaps and seal them with caulk.

4. Use eco mode

If your washing machine or dishwasher has an eco mode or power-saving function, you will be able to save energy.

The eco mode allows your dishwasher to wash and rinse at a lower temperature, using less energy for heating and helping you save money.

5. Use fans

Fans can help circulate air, helping you cut down on energy costs this summer. So you want to get your fans ready by wiping them clean and ensuring they are working.

6. Adjust your thermostat

Increasing your thermostat setting by one or two degrees can help you reduce energy bills.

Tune up your thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you're at home and push it higher to 85 degrees when no one is home.

7. Target off-peak hours

Electricity costs more during peak hours. If you intend to use your washing machine or dishwasher, targeting off-peak hours ensures you pay less for electricity.

Peak hours in New York are generally between 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. as it's the hottest during this time, and most people will have their air conditioner on.

8. Update your insurance

Review your insurance policies, such as homeowners', health, renters, and personal insurance coverages, and upgrade them if necessary to ensure you're adequately protected if an accident, injury, breakdown, or natural disaster occurs.

It's known that many people suffer from heat-related injuries during the summer, and this year won't be an exception.

The New York Post already reported the death of one person as heat waves engulf the state and temperatures near 100 degrees.

Our local insurance agents are members of the community and will be glad to review your insurance policies to ensure you and your assets are protected this summer. Request a quote today, and stay safe!

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