Suffern Auto Insurance
In the suburban village of Suffern in Rockland County, New York, it seems that auto mobiles are the most popular form of transportation. However, with all of these motor vehicles comes Auto Insurance and protection! What’s your auto policy like? When was the last time that you checked it? Maybe it might be time for an insurance update!
Joyce Insurance Agency is here to assist you with all of your Car Insurance needs! With roads like the New York State Thruway and traffic-congested Route 59 it only makes sense to be prepared ahead of time just in case, right? It’s also a good idea to learn more about insuring the whole family and all automobiles.
We offer a number of national insurance carriers. We will personally work with you to find the best policy that suits you and your budget! Interested in knowing which insurance carriers we offer? Here’s a few: Mapfre, Progressive (Did you know Flo is from Stony Point?!), Safeco, Maidstone, Interboro and Mercury. We also broker to several other insurance companies. With all of these options, you’re guaranteed to find the right carrier and policy that fits your needs!
Wondering what an insurance policy actually covers? Well, here’s a brief overview:
Liability coverage
Comprehensive coverage
Collision coverage
What does the first one cover? Liability coverage is applied in a situation where you are found at fault in an accident. Comprehensive coverage is applied in a situation where your vehicle is damaged by something other than a collision, such as another car, running deer or even falling trees. Collision coverage is applied if your vehicle is damaged in a collision.
Besides these three forms of coverage, Car Insurance also offers other protection services, such as medical payments, emergency road services and even uninsured motorist protection. Emergency road coverage consists of towing, tire changes, etc. When purchasing Auto Insurance, it seems that most people just focus on the financial aspects related to the automobile.
What About Personal Protection?
When purchasing coverage, it is often heavily recommended to also purchase a personal injury protection plan. What does a medical payments plan cover? This plan generally covers medical costs after you are hurt in a car accident, regardless of who is found at fault. In addition, medical payments insurance may help pay for: funeral expenses, injuries sustained by your passengers, injuries you sustain as a pedestrian or bicyclist after a car hits you. Keep in mind though that every insurance plan is different and offers various forms of coverage.
If you’re ever in the area, stop by 2 Joyce Plaza in Stony Point, NY to ask us any questions you may have! It is our job here at Joyce Insurance Agency to ensure that you find the best coverage. For more information regarding a Car Insurance policy or quote, don’t hesitate to call us at 845-942-7200 or email us directly!